About Me

Currently, I am a senior at Lehman College located in the Bronx, NY. I am pursuing a bachelors in science in Computer Science with a minor in Environmental Science.

About My Mentor

My mentor is Rebecca A. Hutchinson from Oregon State University. She works on machine learning models and algorithms inspired by ecological problems and datasets. As her website states, she is part of the computational sustainability community, where she finds ways that computer science can contribute to promoting the health of the Earth’s ecosystems and bringing interesting new problems back to computer science.

About My Project

The topic that we will be working on this summer is occupancy models and community data science. What is the best way to deal with impefect detection to obtain better occupancy and detection estimate values. More details about it will be posted as we progress with our project together.

My Final Report

Video Presentation

Presentation for EECS REU: https://www.dropbox.com/s/uddwfow02xuj4h3/clusteringMethodsAndOccupancyModel.mp4?dl=0

My Blog

My Blog